Pondering Skeptic
1 min readOct 20, 2024


Lol. How very 2014. You're right, startup equity is a greed scam. It's been debunked already, like timeshares or MLM or Vegas, but people still fall for those. No VC has a fund with just one startup in it -- that would be insanity -- but somehow, the SV boys convinced a generation of workers that betting on one startup at a time was a viable strategy. And THEN, to throw good money after bad by putting 110% effort and time into something they, strategically, only ascribed maybe a 1% chance of success. It's even right there, in most startup job descriptions - long hours, cuz hey, it's a startup, wink, nudge, you know. It's a plus if you have startup experience because we want to ensure you've already been to the free seminar before we hire you. Warren Buffett will be rolling over in his grave in a few years at the lack of diversification.

It seems so simple in hindsight, but a bunch of us so-called smart people still fell for it. But for no salary? Must have gotten real dark in his psyche when that realization sunk in. I have empathy for that.



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