Pondering Skeptic
1 min readAug 1, 2024


Lol - don't we so badly wish something more intelligent than us were in charge? The web is an accumulation of human stories, and each human is an accumulation of human stories, both stored, served and woven together by forces mostly out of our control (the physics/chemistry of perception and neurology or Google's algorithm, for example), and presented to our consciousnesses in a highly filtered and curated way. We (by that I mean the composite story each human organism holds to be an identity) have some conscious say in the matter of our attention, but maybe not much. In that way, the web is like a mirror, where a set of stories is looking at a set of stories, but maybe a multifaceted highly nooked and crannied one where what we see is skewed by the angle at which we look. And with most of the world looking at that mirror, undoubtedly someone/thing is looking back at some angle, and the composite of those "looks" could be an identity. Interesting piece, made me think, thanks for writing it.



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